Wii Cord-Free (Wireless Nunchuck)


Casually Hardcore
Sep 18, 2007
Spotted this on Amazon. Says it comes out tomorrow. If anyone tries it out let us know how it works.

Not sure if my link will work, the hyperlink button is crashing my firefox.


Made by Nyko.

* Converts the wired Nunchuk into a wireless peripheral. Provides lag-free wireless connection between Nunchuk and Wii Remote
* Wireless technology supports Nunchuk up to 15 feet from Wii Remote. Two AAA batteries provide up to 60 hours of gameplay.
* Cord management system keeps Nunchuk cord hidden
* Unique sleeve holds Nunchuk, cord and batteries in compact, easy-to-use setup
* Self-standing sleeve provides easy storage of Nunchuk
looks rather good i might buy it! The best thing about it probably is that when you run on olympic games you won't whack you finger on the wire and that hurts:thumbsup:
I don't see why it would be so hard to just come out with a third-party remote and a third-party nunchuk that are wireless instead of all these cumbersome add-on hacks that look like crap.
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sremick said:
I don't see why it would be so hard to just come out with a third-party remote and a third-party nunchuk that are wireless instead of all these cumbersome add-on hacks that look like crap.

By the looks of Toms post that second version looks much nicer, and as to the add-on they have to put the batteries and cord somewhere..
How much more wireless can you get? The cord is long enough to play with without getting tangled in anything. Honestly, this is probably one of the worst peripherals to come out, other than the wireless sensor bar. Plus, it's not made by nintendo, which definitely puts me off. Just my two cents anyways...
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It has a market and people have been asking for a wireless nunchuck since the Wii came out. Nyko makes pretty decent stuff. I plan on getting the second version that comes out in May. Not really needed, but why not. My current chucks are lodged in my Hooked fishing rod, and my zapper. I need another eventually anyway. I also have the wireless sensor bar because my cats broke my first one tripping over the cord. No longer have that problem and it works great.
Lost Savior said:
How much more wireless can you get?
Easy: Make a version that's wireless without being bigger. There's no reason all the stuff couldn't be contained within the size of the Wii remote and nunchuk.
It may seem conventional, but do you really need it? It's not like you will be using the remote and nunchuk 10 feet from each other. It doesn't look like it will fit over the wii remote's jacket anyways.

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