WII controler

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WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2006
Helllo i bought the nintendo wii i really like the system but i thought the gamecube controller could play wii games not just gamecube games. do they make a controller or will they make a controller that will work on wii games when i mean controller i mean a regular controler i like the wii remote buton some wii games i would prefer a controller like gamecube but gamecube controllers dont play wii games. PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
pontiac287 said:
Helllo i bought the nintendo wii i really like the system but i thought the gamecube controller could play wii games not just gamecube games. do they make a controller or will they make a controller that will work on wii games when i mean controller i mean a regular controler i like the wii remote buton some wii games i would prefer a controller like gamecube but gamecube controllers dont play wii games. PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Since this was you first post I won't get all :incazzato: pissy at you for not using the search feature, but use it in the future. . .Please!

--------Answers to You Question About Controllers:

Wii games use the Wiimote (and nunchuck for some) unless specifically designed to use another controller. Right now no Wii games do this.

Gamecube games can only be played with the gamecube controllers.

Virtual Console games can all be played with the Classic Controller. Wiimote can be used for NES (and Sega?) games. Gamecube and controllers are compatible with most VC titles. For VC games it is best to look at the game info before downloading to determinte what controllers the specific game is compatible with.

And welcome to the forum!
Actually, DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 can be played with a Wiimote/Nunchuck, classic controller, and gamecube controller. But as far as I know, that's the only game so far except virtual consle.
Use periods and punctuation. I had to read it like 3 times before I understood. I don't think they'll make a regular controller like they have one for the GameCube anytime soon.
he used a couple of periods i didn't think it was that hard to read
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