Wii component cable in Australia?


WiiChat Member
Dec 14, 2006
i was wondering if any one knows of a shop in australia that sells the component cables yet, im from perth, so if you live around here and know of a shop that would be great, but otherwise a name would still be good because ill check that store out over here, cheers
Well in Sydney...
Electronic Boutique - At Hornsby these were the only Wii accesories remaining.

BigW, Myer, Dicksmiths Electronics all sell Wii stuff so you could try there.
Here in Adelaide I have not found anywhere stocking the component cables and the nunchuks. Either way I refuse to pay $50 for cables that should have come with the console. I ordered some $20 component cables off ebay which i'm sure will work identically to the officially licensed product.
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i dont mind spending $50, and i dont want to wait that long for it (from ebay) so i was planning on going out and buying one today, i think ill go check out some Big W's

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