Wii collectables (limited edition)


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Wii Online Code
hey fellas just went to Target today looking at the Wii products and stumbled over this limited offer from Nintendo, in the package you get some dog tags with wii stamped on one and nintendo stamped on the other, in the package you also getpins to pin on your shirt or whatever, of the wii remote and the d-pad, im not really looking into keeping them i may post them on ebay, im wondering how many of you have them. Also does anybody know how many of these things were made, i want to know how rare they are

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not really limited edition, they sold them maybe 2-3 weeks before launch at the local target and they seem to still get a few in every now and then
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oh that sucks i was thinking this was really a limited item, guess i will try to make a profit off of it, cause i dont see this being used by me

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