Wii Chat Story Fun


Finally back with a Wii
Dec 29, 2006
New York
Ok the way this works every time you post a thread your continueing the story by one paragraph

Heres the goddamn story

After many years of bonding the memebrs of wii chat met up and hang out.... welll mostly the ones who hang out in DA LOUNGE

We decided to go hang out in this nice world of ours

myself and Nintendocam were walking down the street bored loking for something 2 do while darkprinny came by yelling ELLO TO YOU MATE

we waved back we then went by victorias seceret and the woman inside of the store suddenly.......

Now contiue the story next poster
pulled out a pocket knife! Everyone screams in panick and runs for their lives! The Woman yells, "You won't get away from me wii chatters!" As you run away, she chases after you and pulls out a 9mm gun and begins to open fire. She only misses. She gives up on that and pulls out a machine gun. She hits a few cars and some innocent bystanders, but not them. She pulls out a rocket launcher and fires almost immediatley, but ultimately hits the post she's about to run into! She is engulfed in a ball of flame and disintegrated! Darkprinny looks back and says, "Good-bye to you mate!"
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I just laugh out in amusment as wiiwillstand who was watching the entire scene joins in with us wondering wat the hell wasgoing on sofor the rest of the time we were bored so we decided 2 hold up some.......
...old ladies with a gun, who were so terrified that they ran away at a snail's pace. the 'gang' now turned to face the other side of the street only to find that the police had arived at the scene with heavy weaponary. not thinking twice they...
offered the police a cup of tea. After they drank the tea they teamed up with the police and hunted down the old ladies and.....
opened fire on them! The old ladies dropped to the ground oozing with blood, crying for help. Feeling guilty, we go to try and help them. suddenly, the ladies jump to their feet pulling out lightsabers. We stare at each other, so we too pull out our lightsabers. We begin a climatic duel of the fates. All hell breaks loose and a second clone war begins. Suddenly everyone pulls out their lightsabers, and before you know it, everybody's getting chopped up like slabs of steak with a meat cleaver! Everyone is dead, including the police, aside from us and the ladies. We charge taking our final swings and we defeat them. We withdraw our lightsabers and leave the area to recouperate ourselves. As we leave, Darth Sidious arrives and turns the old ladies into mechanical sith known as Darth Ladies. The Dartth Ladies retreat with the Emperor, and plan for their next confrontation.

To be continued...
Meanwhile, a normal Italian guy was eating Spaghetti at a restaruant. Then....
An air raid happened! Every one had to run to the bomb shelter if they wanted to live! This man did not go however, instead he loved his spaghetti so much that he wouldn't leave it. One of the planes dropped above the restaurant but right before the bomb hit, Marsupial man a.k.a. Dumbass_Luigi saved the foolish spaghetti fan and his spaghetti and got them out before the bomb hit. The Spaghetti fool could never describe in words how uncomfortable Marsupial Man's pouch was, or the fact that he had a pouch was just disturbing enough.
After they got to safety Marsupial man.......
...went back to eat his spaghetti in his sercret lair...However....the spaghetti fool followed him there and found out Marsupial Man was actually the well-known plumber, Luigi Mario. So Luigi....

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