Wii Channels


"Sasuke it to the max"
Feb 2, 2007
Wii Online Code
Well I currently don't have a Wii but I wanted to ask something. I have a PS2 and it has a browser(not an internet browser) but in order to get to it you can't have a disc in the PS2. So my question is in order to get to the channels and stuff on the Wii can you have a disc in or does it have to be empty?
The channels come up when the Wii is turned on, no disk or disk inserted.
right. the wii in a way, runs off the menu, where the channels are. having a game in is not a essential, alot like a computer. you can still shop for virtualc onsole games, check the weather, news, and go on the internet without ever puttin a disc.
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ok thanx everyone

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