wii cartoon and movie website

Almighty Wii-wii of DOOM

WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006

2 make a long story short, up until 2day my wii internet hadnt been working. and a few months back, i remember seeing a video on youtube telling about the following:

the video was about a website that when accessed on a computer, showed a normal website (i cant remember wut it was about). but when it was accesses by the wii, it showed a completely different website, with the first page of the website having two buttons to click on (one saying "movies" & the other saying "cartoons"). by clicking movies, there would be a selection of movies to view. same goes 4 cartoons.

bcause of the wii internet being down, i hadnt been able to try it out. but now that it's working, i cant find the video anymore and dont know the website.

have any of u seen that video or know the website that has the movies and cartoons? if u hav
please tell me. thanx 4 all ure time!

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Jslck630 said:
well dont kno if it will work but www.peekvid.com

no. what im talking about is a website that is completely different of a website on the wii than it is on a normal computer. that was just a website to view movies & other stuff that is illigal to the web on. thanx anyway though.

-Almighty Wii-wii

Was it www.showflick.com? It seems to be down now.

"Ok I have been using sites to watch movies online, but it seems like most of them make it impossible to use the Wii now for some odd reason. Well I made a site Cartoons, Full Length Movies by ShowFlick that will auto recongize the Wii and go into "Wii mode" currently I have close to 200 cartoons and movies all legal that can be watched with the Wii, I plan on adding more. I did this because I am a Wii nut.. I hope you enjoy the site."
From wiitalk
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WookieD said:
Was it www.showflick.com? It seems to be down now.

"Ok I have been using sites to watch movies online, but it seems like most of them make it impossible to use the Wii now for some odd reason. Well I made a site Cartoons, Full Length Movies by ShowFlick that will auto recongize the Wii and go into "Wii mode" currently I have close to 200 cartoons and movies all legal that can be watched with the Wii, I plan on adding more. I did this because I am a Wii nut.. I hope you enjoy the site."
From wiitalk

thanx! thats wut u was lookin 4. it worked on my wii.

thanks again,

Almighty Wii-Wii
Works fine for me - thanks to OP for bringing it up and WookieD for recognizing what it was and providing the link.

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