WII Can't Be Registered


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2007
Wii Online Code
when i try register my it Say's [Wii Can't Be Regiersted] wot do you think is wrong :(

Do you mean at Nintendo.com?

if it's used it may have been registered by someone else already, then it can't be reregistered...
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no on the address book
Ok, I think I know what you are talking about. When you clicked to register a wii, were you inputting your OWN wii number? Your wii, is already registered to you once you turn on the system...for the address book, you are supposed to input OTHER people's wii numbers!

Hope that helped
Ashwii00 said:
Ok, I think I know what you are talking about. When you clicked to register a wii, were you inputting your OWN wii number? Your wii, is already registered to you once you turn on the system...for the address book, you are supposed to input OTHER people's wii numbers!

Hope that helped

My problem is the same as his. Are you saying that i dont not need to register my name? So if someone wants to add me they can, without me doin anything besides givin them my wii number?
WiiMii3 said:
My problem is the same as his. Are you saying that i dont not need to register my name? So if someone wants to add me they can, without me doin anything besides givin them my wii number?

You are right. There will never be a time that you will have to input your own wii number into your system...it already knows it. And yes, if you want to befriend someone via the wii, just exchange wii numbers and register EACHOTHER'S numbers, not your own. Hope that helped!
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thanks i will try add some one else then :)

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