Wii Bike


WiiChat Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Does anyone else think a Wii Bike would be awesome? With popularity of fitness games rising, I think an elliptical bike would be quite nifty. I'm sure it would be expensive, so there's no telling how well it would do, but I know I would love to have one. And I'm sure fans of BMX games could have a lot of fun with it too. Maybe we could see the return of Paperboy!

What next? A Wii treadmill?

Just buy a bike.
Yeah, usually I'm one for innovative ideas, but this one just really wouldn't work out. It's more fun riding a bike in REAL LIFE on a REAL STREET, with fresh air. So I don't think it'd sell well. But then again, knowing Nintendo if they made a game called Wii Bike that came with a free remote people would buy it like there was no tomorrow. :lol:
But...People play GTA.

Haha...and for rainy days like this one just startting, it'd be ok, But I'd hope what the OP is suggesting is something more out your normal everyday bikeride...I know I am never going to be doing dirt bike stunts...But I could in a game. I still won't buy it though:lol:
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Well, I wouldn't buy it either because I know it would be insanely expensive, but I would gladly accept it as a gift. Of course, I'm Irish, so I'll accept anything for free.

I know you can just ride a real bike and I thought about that...but I also thought about how you can just play real baseball and real bowling and you can do all of the exercises in Wii Fit without needing a board or a game. And you can do it 100% for free...but tons of people have bought Wii Fit anyway. Not everyone can ride bikes where they live. Until moving a few months ago, I lived in an area where bike-riding wasn't all that feasible because 90% of the roads were freeway where bike-riding wasn't allowed, and everything else was rough terrain where bike-riding wasn't possible. I would've had to have driven 20 minutes to find a suitable place to ride my bike.

Also, the majority of the people who need these products are a bit too embarrassed to exercise in public. Believe, I know how fun it is to ride a real bike, but I also know how fun it is to play video games. Combining them could be even more fun. At the very least, it's certainly more practical than the fog machine/strobe light for Guitar Hero.
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But I'd hope what the OP is suggesting is something more out your normal everyday bikeride...I know I am never going to be doing dirt bike stunts...But I could in a game.

Well, normal biking activities would be available of course; perhaps on a new Wii Fit game. But it would also be great for dirt bikes, BMX, motocross, Road Rash, or any bike/motorcycle game. Sure, a lot of them don't involve pedaling, but that's beside the point. And I mean...come one...Paperboy! You could ride your bike down the street, throw papers with the remote, and perform jumps by pulling back on the handlebars. I think it'd be way cool. Heh.

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