Wii bag recommendations


WiiChat Member
Feb 27, 2007
San Diego, CA
Wii Online Code
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has any good Wii bag recommendations. It looks like i'm gonna be bringing the Wii with me on some short trips so a bag seemed like a good investment. Anyone have any ideas?
what about something along the lines of:
they have a Legend of Zelda messenger bag at target for carrying the wii. I'm SO going to get it.
Anything but that bag that's got a big 'WII' sign printed on it..like the one already posted, it screams 'mug me'.

The are other Nintendo brand ones for the wii that doesn't say it.
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I wouldn't mind too badly if it said Wii. I wont' be walking with it much. My main requirements are that its reasonably priced, and has proper compartments for the system, its tray, cables and a few wiimotes and nunchucks.
I have a Black wii Bag with the Wii Logo in White on the front, the inside and stuff seem to fit all you need. I have never used it, but i am thinking of selling it. Mine is an Official Wii Bag, so you'd expect the best.
I got the wii bag,but it's a little different than the one pictured.

Gray w/ white middle & wii in gray on white.

excellent padding & keeps everything tight. also has a shoulder strap & hand strap. I used it a few times & I think it's a great purchase. Costed me $30.00 at Target.
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Thanks for everyone's help. I needed the bag today, so I stopped by Target and picked one up. It looks similar to the one pictured in this thread, but gray, white and a light blue.

I think its the same one that Metalthrashingmark has. Has great padding and a bunch of pockets for all your stuff. I'm not quite sure if I put everything where it should go, but it fits so I'm not complaining. There's even a special padded pocket for the sensor bar. Its messenger bag style ( so think really big purse) . Overall a good value for $29.99.

Only gripe is that I can't fit the Wii stand in it, and there really isn't any place for game discs. I put my game disk in an old AOL case and stuck it in the front pocket.

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