Wii and Opera but no keyboard???


Jul 14, 2006
I read somewhere that Opera is making a browser dedicated for the Nintendo Wii. The nunchuk remote is to be used to operate Opera.

Any news as to Nintendo releasing a keybaord for browsing?

How about third party keybaord ala Logitech or BenQ connected through Wii's USB 2.0 slots?


Nintedo Wii:

Always Online! (Opera for internet browsing)
Virtual Console
Backward compataible with Gamecube games
Wii Chat!
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And of coarse, the freaking price!!!


Owned NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, Playstation, Playstation 2 and in the near future the Nintendo Wii!
No, I think it wouldnt be very expensive, nintendo has a great price that is much better than the PS3 or the Xbox360
Well...yeah there is going to be a broweser for the Wii, and with the 360 you can use a keyboard in the dash, which tehy did not specify when the console launched, soo if the wii os is anything like the 360's you might be able to use one of your own. I cant see nintendo making a keyboard because thats just not their style. everything they put out seems to have very close ties for gameing and that is the only thing you can use them for. if they did come out with one that would be very cool and i kinda hope they do.

anywho i wouldnt be supprised if you are forced to use an on-screen keyboard and either the d-pad or the joystiq on the nunchuck

and where are your sorces from the "using the nunchuck to control opera" statement cuz i havent seen anything like that

good topic to splurge about tho :D

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Sorry, should have included this earlier...::zzz:


Like you said Fierce Deity, it would be cool if Nintendo come out with a keyboard! They're true innovators (Pioneers) when it come to functionality and design on peripherals (input devices)...

This is one of the many reasons why I'm waiting on this system!
The way I understand it is that nintendo just licensed the opera browser. Thats not to say there is just going to be a opera browser that runs on wii. More than likely they are just using the software to build thier dashboard. like the blades in the 360
Fierce Deity said:
anywho i wouldnt be supprised if you are forced to use an on-screen keyboard and either the d-pad or the joystiq on the nunchuck
agreed. It will probably be like on the DS. For WiFi games that have text messaging you use an on-screen keyboard, as well as for pictochat

Brainstorm: maybe it'll use the DS for a keyboard...
Sounds simple to me. Use the Wii-Mote like a mouse to point and click on things, press the 'B' button (trigger button) to open up the virtual keyboard and use the D-Pad to use the virtual keyboard. Simple.
I'm pretty sure, though not nessecarily positive, that you will be able to use any ol' usb keyboard. If thats true then I'd pick up a cheap wireless keyboard. What could be better?
DarkDepths said:
I'm pretty sure, though not nessecarily positive, that you will be able to use any ol' usb keyboard. If thats true then I'd pick up a cheap wireless keyboard. What could be better?
What could be better? Maybe a true bluetooth keyboard, like the Apple keyboard and I think Logitech has one now aswell.

If you meant bluetooth, then I'm sorry, but I thought you meant one of those keyboards that has a little adapter that you plug into the usb port, which wouldn't necessarily be bad, but it's just another thing I don't think I should have to plug into my computer.:D
I actually never even thought of bluetooth. All I thought was that it would be great of you could continue the wireless trend!
you gotta be kidding me! come on people its not too hard to figure out Wii has 2 usb slots! Someone could easily make a keyboard and mouse for it and since wii has on board storage they would just have to make a driver cd that would install similar to halos map pack.
You have got to be kidding me. The first post, which you obviously didn't read, clearly suggests that. It's not that hard to figure out that we weren't disagreeing, just giving other possibilities.

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