Wii and DS Connecting

no features to support it yet.

but pokemon for the wii will use DS connecting features (you can control the game with the ds touch screen, select attacks, items etc)

and im sure there will be more to come, but we just need to wait and see :thumbsup:
it would be nice if they created a channel to download demos for the DS through the wii. that way i don't have to go stand at hotspots in GAME and Gamestation.
Major Tom said:
Yeah, that would be nice........ I have to go all the way to Wal-Mart to get a demo......
yea everyone seems to be experiencing problems with this. so a channel would benefit us all greatly.
demo hot spot?

i've been considering getting a ds lite since the wii took over my life. i take it you all recommend them?
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I use my WEP security settings for my own "hotspot." I just need to play by my computer.
Do you guys think it is worth me selling my old DS for $75? I would use that money towards a Wii game and probably Wii points. I mean, I don't see any great titles coming out for the DS anytime soon. There are ok ones, but I'd rather spend that $30 towards a Wii game. The only problem is that I will probably buy a DS Lite in the future so it would actually be more money to do all of this. What do you guys think?

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