Wii Advertisement Help


WiiChat Member
Dec 1, 2009
Didn't know where to post this thought it was alright section but anyway...
In this advertisement/commercial I've linked below'

Can anyone tell me what it's basically about signification wise how it is used to grab people's eyes and say "oooh!!! Nintendo Wii eh? i might just go and buy one of them today!" Something along them lines i've been trying to find answers around advertisement for the Wii but not finding much can someone help please? This is all about advertisement for the Wii in general so if anyone can help me could you add me some links as to how the Wii was advertised and announced etc.
it wasn't much advertisements because it was sooooo revolutionarie so they didn't need sooooo much advisment because you move and the player move on the screen like a twin
That particular video is basically a teaser that was released well before the Wii was released. I don't think it ever aired on TV.
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What about this one any better? if you have any good ones please link us... and erm need em less than a minute if possible.. cheers
To be honest, I felt those early Wii commercials with the families to be embarrassingly bad. But that's from the perspective of a life-long gamer in his late 30's who already knew what the Wii was and how it worked. For people who haven't touched a game system in years (if ever) it probably helped convey what makes the Wii different.
fun fact bout the type of that car in that vid is that if you get in a aciddent with one your pretty much dead or really lucky.

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