Wii - A problem for hardcore gamers


Oct 3, 2006
sorry if this has been said before...

not so much now (not because of choice), but back in the day i worked in an indie game shop, where the owner and i played games when it was quiet

and before meeting up with my girlfriend i played games and then after the pub until the early hours i played games with mates..

lets say on average at least 8 hours a day

i only actually went to bed because my thumbs ached lol

seriously, us hardcore gamers are gonna be throwing our arms all over the place for 8 hours everyday...

...are we gonna suffer or what?
its true but why wouldn't you wanna beat the crap out of ninjas with dual katanas for 8 hours strait lol
You can do very minimal movements, and it will still give you the same exact result. That's the beuty of it. =)
breakpoint said:
seriously, us hardcore gamers are gonna be throwing our arms all over the place for 8 hours everyday...

...are we gonna suffer or what?

I don't think we'll suffer as much as get some exercise. Which IMO, many gamers could use. And as most said it still repsonds to smaller movements. But honestly. When I am playing at home with no one around to watch, I am going to be going friggen nuts jumping around and flaling my arms like crazy. That's the fun of the Wii in the first place.
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dont get me wrong, i'm not 20 stone or anything... but even if you flick your wrists (hmmm), surely you'll get tired more than using a standard controller..

.. for example..

pointblank on psone, my arms getting real tired after a few hours of shooting (hmmm)

believe me, the wiimote has given me ANOTHER reason to buy the wii, so i'm not slagging of the console or anything
All Out said:
I don't think we'll suffer as much as get some exercise. Which IMO, many gamers could use. And as most said it still repsonds to smaller movements. But honestly. When I am playing at home with no one around to watch, I am going to be going friggen nuts jumping around and flaling my arms like crazy. That's the fun of the Wii in the first place.
I hear ya, man! xD Where's the fun in just jerking your wrists?... >_> Well, considdering it's the Wii, don't answer that. >_< But like you said, it'll be WAY more fun to flail around! xD
Though I'm under-age, I've tried beer when my parents offer it to me. >_> Which is kinda weird. xP I, myself, dislike the taste of alcohol. So, like he said... Soda, chips, and lollies. xP
Doesn't anyone understand that Metroid Prime 3 commercial was OVEREXAGGERATED?

It's not like you jump behind a couch and you roll.
I wouldnt really class myself as a hardcore gamer.. i do plenty of other things other then playing games like sports and stuff.. :) but yeah i agree with what your sayin, ive had an odd day here or there (like christmas) where my wrists n thumb usually ache :lol:

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