WiFi with etrust


JP Photobook Expert
Jan 22, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
Wii Online Code
hey everyone.

recently we upgraded some gear in our comptuer. and had a few problems with norton not liking the upgrades ( one file making the PC run at 100% with no load) so we bought a new virus scan called eTrust.

i thouht " ok i'll connect the WiFi back up again". connected it up to the USB and tried to establish a connection. connection failed.

it looks like this new virus scan is blocking iit from connecting. i have turned off the firewall the etrust has and it has had no effect.

this is only a virus scan, not a internet security. so why is it blocking the connection :mad5: .

does anyone know of a good virus scan/ internet security besides norton and maphee ?
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i have heard of AVG, but i have also heard that the free version of AVG is crap.
Liger_zero9999 said:
i have heard of AVG, but i have also heard that the free version of AVG is crap.

by who??

any anti-virus program is "crap" if you visit dodgy sites.

i've personally been using it for probably 5 or 6 years, and i'll confirm
that it's just as good as some of the "pay yearly" software by the
likes of Norton et al.

at the end of the day, there are loads of anti virus programs out there,
so it's up to you to choose one which suits your needs.

it was a recommendation that's all.
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