Wifi Question


Weird Guy
Oct 9, 2006
Martha, KY
I know there is never going to be a for sure answer being it is not released yet but I was wondering. Is there a possibility to be able to play over the net on a Wii with dialup? Dialup is all that is available here, just wondering if there is some kind of wifi hookup I can get so that I can play with my internet access.
well im sure there might be, there are some people that play on NWFC with dial up on the DS
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Ok cool, thank you. :) I am so excited I can't hardly stand it, I just pray that wal-mart has them on stock on release date. They should because when xbox was released they had some in stock for a week straight (small area).
playing on dial up is not recommeded plus it lags you and everyone you play with there is no reason for you not to have at least dsl i mean come on you can get dsl cheaper then that aol bull crap verizon dsl is $14.95 Version Fiber Optic is $45 if your lucky enough to be in the area for the fiber but because the other one is wireless it doesn't matter where you live

anyways upgrade your crappy internet!
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Link_of_Hyrule said:
playing on dial up is not recommeded plus it lags you and everyone you play with there is no reason for you not to have at least dsl i mean come on you can get dsl cheaper then that aol bull crap verizon dsl is $14.95 Version Fiber Optic is $45 if your lucky enough to be in the area for the fiber but because the other one is wireless it doesn't matter where you live

anyways upgrade your crappy internet!

What part of only dialup available here do you not understand?
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Also hyrule, for your information, wireless DOES matter where you live. You have to be so many miles from the actual place that serves up the wireless. Only thing available here outside of dialup is sattelite which is even worse for games. I deserve to play my Nintendo Wii online just like anyone else, not my fault we do not have broadband capabilities yet. Fiber optic is being ran through here but that's not for another year.
The Wii connects to your wireless router. I assume it could also connect to wireless hot-spots, but I'm not sure how those really work. You probably can still play with your dialup, but as Link_Of_Hyrule said, it lags everybody else.

That's a shame that you can't get broadband in your area, but why make everyone elses experiences worse ? In any case, if you don't have broadband, don't expect to enjoy playing online. If you'd played online with your PC, you have probably had huge lag issues. And you would have had other people complaining at you.
Yeh with dial-up theres no point in playing online. For me if I verse someone who is laggy I would quit the game because it ruins the experience. Some people though might be nice and play along with you.....not me though.....
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I play world of warcraft just fine on dialup though. I don't lag behind my group hardly at all. Lets look at a game like Mortal Kombat though guys, I don't play fps games just so you all know on dialup... but with MK that's 1 vs 1, looks to me dialup would work swell on it.
Some games will work fine on dialup. It depends on how much data the game needs to send from player-to-server, and server-to-player. I would guess that games like RTS and Puzzle games don't require much bandwidth. Games like FPS with physics engines and large environments, vehicles, lots of players, etc. (Battlefield 2 for example), will require broadband of some kind.

You may get lucky though, and it may be that the Wii games don't require much bandwidth for online play. But you'll have to wait until it's released and try it for yourself.

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