Wifi & Access Points


WiiChat Member
Oct 31, 2006
Queensland, Australia
Wii Online Code
I am looking at getting an Access Point for my network at home so I can use the wifi feature on the wii and also so I can roam with my laptop. Any ideas on what is good? Should I go for the 54mb/s (which is fine for my laptop) or the 108mb/s (does the wii even support this speed?)?
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Not really. I am looking more at getting a wifi access point at this stage as I already have a router. However, I've been doing some research and a lot of people are having trouble with the Nintendo DS's wifi and using Access Points. I'll keep looking into it, otherwise I'll follow your/threads suggestion and just go for a new network.

Anyone know what speed wifi the wii is going to have (11/54/108mbps)?
I'we been setting up a few wireless networks at work and for some friens and I can tell you that Buffalo acess points are the best, I'we tried D-link, A-link and Zyxel but those are total crap.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. :)
The official Nintendo Wi-fi USB adapter sold is actually a Buffalo adapter so using Buffalo would in my opinion be the best choice.
Andrakis_Scarr said:
Not really. I am looking more at getting a wifi access point at this stage as I already have a router. However, I've been doing some research and a lot of people are having trouble with the Nintendo DS's wifi and using Access Points. I'll keep looking into it, otherwise I'll follow your/threads suggestion and just go for a new network.

Anyone know what speed wifi the wii is going to have (11/54/108mbps)?

Its 54Mb "g"
Go for any name brand 802.11b/g capable router. I've used several Netgear wireless routers and they're alright. The best are Cisco, but you're going to pay for them. Right now the one I have at home is an Apple Airport Express base station and it works flawlessly most of the time. When it starts giving problems I just give it a quick reboot. If I had it all to do over again I'd get the Cisco, but I a technology geek.
shouldnt any of the approved wifi routers on the ds site work for the wii
white89gt said:
Go for any name brand 802.11b/g capable router. I've used several Netgear wireless routers and they're alright. The best are Cisco, but you're going to pay for them. Right now the one I have at home is an Apple Airport Express base station and it works flawlessly most of the time. When it starts giving problems I just give it a quick reboot. If I had it all to do over again I'd get the Cisco, but I a technology geek.

The more consumer friendly Cisco products are sold under the "Linksys" brand.
dds said:
shouldnt any of the approved wifi routers on the ds site work for the wii
The ones recommended for the DS were "B" routers. The Wii will be compatible with the much faster "G" standard. Some of the routers recommended for the DS may support the full speed of the Wii, some may not. Look for the ones that are G compatible.
I wouldn't say D-Link is total crap i have one and it works awsome anyways i would just get the Nintendo Wi-Fi adapter or the Ethernet USB Adapter
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Thanks for all your input :) I am currently looking at the 'D-Link 624' as a possible router. I haven't heard of the Buffalo or Cisco brands, though that may be because I am in Australia. Has anyone got or used a DLink 642? Do you know how they are for general reliablility.

Also, what was that nintendo usb thing that you mentioned Link_of_Hyrule? I haven't seen or heard of them before.
I also have this router sitting in a box ready to be hooked up a day or so before I get my wii on launch. Just make sure to get the latest firmware update for the router and it should be working fine.

I mean it has great specs, and it probably supports a faster connection then the Wii can put out, so I dont see why it would be a "bad" router persay

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