which game


WiiChat Member
Sep 20, 2006
Auzzie land (freo)
Wii Online Code
what do you think would be the best bet out of.
Dragon ball Z
ime looking for a game with tons of replay value...
and i LOVE DBZ and i liked the other games..
right now from the trailers ive seen ime leaning towards Dragin Ball Z.
what are your opinions
to tell you the truth, neither, theres a bunch of better wii games, buuuut i would say DBZ
definately DBZ, huge replay value and takes a while to unlock everything, 120+ characters too!
I own both of those games, but my passion for dbz tends me to lead more towards that. There is a gratifying feeling from just having absolute ownage over a game. The difficulty required to play dbz requires you obtain skill in it.
if you love DBZ get it, you will always come back and play it...
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thanks heaps for the help guys..
yeh i think i will get dbz for sure now... i will post a little review after i get it on friday.
any1 played multiplayer on dbz yet?
what i say to you is rent both games and see for yourself whch is better because no one can really tell what kind of games u perfer more then others, but ya i request you rent them both its wut i would do for sure.
....wiiiiiii..... said:
thanks heaps for the help guys..
yeh i think i will get dbz for sure now... i will post a little review after i get it on friday.
any1 played multiplayer on dbz yet?

Yes, I play with a couple of my friends every couple of days. I made them go through a few choice tutorials and taught them the rest myself. After that they are decent just from being decent at video games. I usually play with a handicap on my character such as limited transformation, and let them go full out.

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