Which game is Samus hottest in?


WiiChat Member
Mar 28, 2008
I found people who dig pixels are nerds who cant get girlfriends, but theirs no denying that shes :ihih:

Its traditionon that theirs a end sequence with her Zero Suit on, but which game did she look best in? For me it would be Brawl and Corruption. She looks old in MP1, odd in MP2, and NES 8-bit is just not hot. Fusion was good aswell but I dont like Anime much. I find it kinda cheesy.
ZakAtak said:
I found people who dig pixels are nerds who cant get girlfriends, but theirs no denying that shes :ihih:

Its traditionon that theirs a end sequence with her Zero Suit on, but which game did she look best in? For me it would be Brawl and Corruption. She looks old in MP1, odd in MP2, and NES 8-bit is just not hot. Fusion was good aswell but I dont like Anime much. I find it kinda cheesy.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
mp3 gave me a nightmare.. well not so much a nightmare, just a really crazy ass dream.. yeh, samus was in it :p
How sad is this thread...................
I'd have to say Curruption 100% cutscene after the credits! =P

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