Which FPS/PoV game has the best control balance?


WiiChat Member
Sep 13, 2006
As I'm fairly new to the wii (couple of days), it looks as though developers really run with whatever they think, I was wondering which of your favorite games has the best control mechanism, specifically FPS or point of view games, where you need the nunchuk and remote?

At the moment, I quite like Resident Evil 4 over Red Steel. Red Steel seems a bit awkward to turn and keep your crosshair from darting at the floor or ceiling, or maybe that's just me being aquilt and need practise.

Call of Dutys' also looks good.

So, of the games you've played in this genre which controls have been easiest for you to manage or impressed you most?
Metroid Prime 3 has extremely good user-friendly controls. Its one of the best out there.
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 seems to be favored over even metroid prime 3, because you can basically customize all your controls, like how far in the screen you can go before you start to turn, etc. It has online play as well, but i dont think it has single console multiplayer. metroid prime 3 is only one player.
Metal of Honors:Heros 2 has GREAT options for adjusting your POV.

I think every FPS should model MoH:H2, especially the 32 player online modes with no Friend Codes. Thats a blessing right there.
As they said, Metroid Prime for solo. CoD for multi. And if you want to be scared a little and have fun exploding some heads and such, Residen Evil 4 is your best choice.

Indeed, Red Steel is a bad choice. They rushed it and the graphics are bad, the sword play not too worked out and the glitch where the crosshair jumped to middle and back is just a pain in the ass. You'll be raging against your tv screen when you die because of that.

All in all, the Wii has the best console setup for FPS, they just have to work on online and graphics.

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