Where can I get a DS??


WiiChat Member
Sep 4, 2006
Why is everyone still out of stock? Anyone have any tips on how to get one (besides ebay)?
Meh, I just called and the first store I called had them.
Just call around really. Try a Gamecrazy if you have one nearby... that's where I got mine. :D
Wow people are STILL out of stock? I have a DS Phat and I'm gonna buy a DS Lite soon. I have enough money in gift cards, but I thought I could just walk in Best Buy and get one. Didn't know they were still so hard to find. :X
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I just checked itrackr and only 5 retailers around me have them, and they're kinda far away (I guess I'm just being lazy...). I'll call some places tomorrow and see if I can find one.
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...probably 'cause I don't know it. Oh, but i'll let you in on a good place to get a DS. there's this new thing called Wal-mart...
Yesterday, Sunday, Best Buy stores got around 20-50 DS systems in. I went out of town to one to pick one up and there were only two left. The demand for them is insane at this point in the year.
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Damn these things lunched quite a while ago. Is Nintendo just focusing on manufacturing Wiis right now and making less DSs? Or is demand really that high?
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Well I check TRU, Target, and Best Buy. No luck... I'm about to go to Gamestop. Maybe they'll have a used one or something.

If worse comes to worse I'll just get a PSP.:sick:

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