What's your favorite RTS


WiiChat Member
Oct 8, 2007
Paducah, Kentucky
I was just wondering what everyones favorite RTS game is? (for those who don't know, RTS means Real Time Strategy). Oh, and by the way my favorites would have to be Warcraft II, III and Starcraft
Well I just have the Age of Empires games, they're fun, but I want to get a more military based game.
I'm a Command and Conquer fan myself. I use to play Red Alert, Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge. Then I moved on to Generals before playing Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2.
Cannon fodder - War has never been so fun
Z - Remeber when they had a sense of humor
Warcraft 2
Darkprinny said:
Cannon fodder - War has never been so fun
Z - Remeber when they had a sense of humor
Warcraft 2
warcraft 2 was amazing but none of my friends would play it with me haha, i loved how in snow levels all your buildings got christmas lights.
my favorite RTS is StarCraft.
i also like Advance Wars: Dual Strike, its pretty tight for a handheld RTS.
WarCraft III is also a favorite but doesn't beat the years of memories i have with StarCraft.
Warcraft II,III, Starcraft, Age of empires, Rise of nations, LOTR:BFME,Star Wars: EAW,ect.

There are sooo many good RTS, but mainly Warcraft and Starcraft
Sovieto said:
i also like Advance Wars: Dual Strike, its pretty tight for a handheld RTS.
Thats more turn-based strategy, than real time strategy. Still good tho :p I remember WarCraft 2 being pretty good, But I prefer the more realistic settings of WiC and Generals.

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