What's your Brain Weight on Big Brain Accademy?


WiiChat Member
Jul 5, 2007
Mine wasn't really that good for a first try. Got 959kg with a grade of C+. Anyone want to exchange Wii numbers so I can compete against your scores?
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Do you want to exchange codes so we can compete. Going on it tonight so should get better results.
i am at a B- with 1229 or something like that. im pretty high up there. however i only taken the test 2x and because i didnt read the instructions, i got a c-- lol i had NO idea what i was doing but after actually practicing i got a b-.

i keep playing the mini games with my bf and we're having fun :) i might take the test again later on if i have the time to play my wii at all today
dakuda said:
A--. I am kind of mad that I am not higher. I make at least one stupid mistake every time I go through the tests.

suprisingly i am jealous.

i know one mistake and it screws up everything. i blanked on the visualization part and had a DUH moment (im prone to those) and ended up going from the could of been B to the B- :(
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Anyone want to send me their results? My new grade is B- -
wozz add my friends code if you want and shoot me a PM with yours
I'm dying to figure out how to get an A++. So far my best is 2170 or something right around there and it's an A+. I think I even got one wrong there...but I haven't been able to pass that yet...just need that one perfect run. For those of you wondering, I've found it's a lot more about speed then getting them right. Of course if you a bunch wrong it hurts a lot, but if you go really fast and mess up a couple times you'll still get a high score.
i gotta compete with some of you guys. right now im at 1657 i think? with a B+

i mess up on some stupid stuff though and i get so annoyed! grrrrr
Mine's an A+ I think it's about 2105 not 100% sure. My guess is that 2200 is the A++ mark. On a side note has anyone gotten at least gold in all the practice rounds including the expert levels? I did it hoping that I would unlock the mini games that are included in the quiz show multiplayer game, but no such luck.
how often do you guys "practice?" ive only been able to play like once a week if that :sick:

theres no way that most of you here can get that high of a score without practicing or memorizing the answers or something to that degree :rolleyes:

the only one SO far that i can picture actually scoring that sort of a grade without trying would be dakuta