What Would Mii's Be If...


Am I Losing Friends?
Aug 8, 2006
Wii Online Code
The Wii Was "Revolution"?
I've Been Contemplating OnThis For A Looong Time... Would They Still Have Been Creaed But Not Called Mii's Had Not Of Console Been Titled "Wii"?

Why do you think they named it Wii?

- It's Small 'Wii' in Scotland
- 'We' are playing the console - Family Fun
Wii - Everyone can say Wii and everyone will spell it 'Wii'

And also Wii Mii. They created the Idea of the Mii not long after the name Wii was determind

Though It would probally still me Mii even if it was the Revolution
not bad.

Ninty being Japanese, I wouldn't be surprised if they termed them "Chibi's"
probably just the create a user channel, or character channel. i think they only came up with a special name because it fit so well.
maybe nintenbits? since they are little n such lol who knows maybe they wouldnt have had miis if they didnt change the name...
im not sure but i think Revolution was just a code name. but i could be worng
Wii is supposed to stand for multiplayer. I heard that somewhere and believe it's true because the two "i"s would represent two people. But that is a very good question what would they be called?