What to do while waiting


If its nintendo i love it
Jul 31, 2006
F-ing germany :(
What to do while waiting for the Wii to come out, feel free to add!

1)Stare at a countdown clock
2)Piss my pants staring at a countdown clock
3)Look up things u already know about the Wii
4)Tell people things about the Wii that they already know
5)Get banned from this site
6)Make a new e-mail adress to get back on
7)Tell everybody that u made a new e-mail adress to get back on
8)Waste ur time trying to find a pre-order
9)Pet a kitten
10)Make one of these thingies:zzz:
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NO! DONT GO TO THE BATHROOM!!the grinch will get you!...

sing this song:
mikybee93 said:
NO! DONT GO TO THE BATHROOM!!the grinch will get you!...

sing this song:

Sounds like something from Candyman but in Wii form.

"Wii Wii Wii Wii WIIIIIIAHHHOUUCHH :tard: :sick: :zzz: "
Why do u want to get banned??? well anyway... I will play old nintendo retro games (GCN including)
Sex lots of it
Rock out (no change there)
Train (ouch me bloody arm)
Finish my arcade cab (DIY ugh)
Shout "FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP" in a crowded place (Ugh people)
Enjoy a padded cell (Bouncy)
Miss wii launch
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  • #13
The Preperation
buy a gun
work out...nah
get some spraypaint
NOW work out
be too busy working out to rob the store, while paying with tip, to get the nintendo Wii
Yeah probably work out as well... I been slacking the past week.
Finnish setting up my appartment
Throw house warming party
Play FFX and God of War in which I recently acquired
Buy new computer speakers

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