What should I get?


WiiChat Member
Sep 5, 2010
St. Louis
Which do you recommend a Kinect, a Wii, or these games? If you recommend the games, which games of these games do you recommend for Xbox 360?

-Kinect w/Kinect Adventures - $150

-Wii Red Bundle - $200

-Fallout 3 - $20
-The Elders Scrolls IV: Oblivion - $15
-Call of Duty: World at War - $25
-Call of Duty 2 - $10
-BioShock - $15
-Project Gotham Racing 4 - $6
-Project Gotham Racing 3 - $5
-Battlefield 2: Modern Combat - $10
-Call of Duty 3 - $10
-Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter - $4
-Perfect Dark Zero - $5
-Quake IV - $5
-The Outfit - $5
-Rainbow Six: Vegas - $6
-Mass Effect - $20
I would say the wii since all those games are very old, and you can just their newer version for less instead of getting all of them.
I would agree with DJ~X to be honest. Those aren't the best games and the wii red is new, so why not have some think new.
uhh.. is this a christmas wish if so dont get your hopes up. or you just got 200 bucks, if so dont forget shipping cost or taxes.

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