What Should I Do?

The Hitman

WiiChat Member
Mar 20, 2007
Me and my brother split a XBOX 360 about a year ago, but I don't want to play games on the same 360 as him anymore because all the stats on the games are messed up because he plays all the time. I don't really want to spend any more money playing on the same 360 as him because we would get into arguments everyday if I wanted to play a lot like he does.

I was thinking of just buying another 360 and make him give me my $200 back and put it in the other room. I was also thinking of getting a PS3 but I don't know if its really worth it. I want to get a WII but it doesn't have online yet for any games. I was wondering what you people think I should do.
wii will probably bore you after a couple months unless you buy game after game
get a 360 yourself and get your $200 back
mmmmm if you ask me and if you dont have a lot of money get a 360, buy CoD3 and Gears Of War, and a membership of 13 months and you`ll be set for a couple of months until the wii gets online games for you to enjoy ;D
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Well I have enough money to get a PS3 if I wanted. The money isn't an issue.
ps3 dosent look promising much at all right now
theres only a few select games now that arent going to be on 360, games that are going to be on the 360 too are gta, devil may cry, assassians creed
or you can wait this year the new 360 elite is coming out, hdmi output, 120gb, and black for about $480

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