What new Gaming Platform would you like to see!


****** by Syntax
Dec 20, 2007
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Wii Online Code
Ever since we got the ds for Christmas, i keep thinking how cool those game chips are, and how it would be a cool platform for future consoles to put their games on little chips with something 64 gigs worth of space, i know samsung are developing new usb stick chips that range from around 64gig +.

Please don't tell me its possible/it isn't possible, i just wanna know what you think would be cool platforms for games to come in!

Thx for reading, forgive any ignorance/offense, none intended!
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Cool post yet the Please don't tell me its possible/it isn't possible makes no sense.

Faster medium is always sweet and roms or any thing like them are way harder to copy by me or you. Yet disk are the way to go. So what happens when a cart disk is made?

We all know that the Ut engine is used in lots of games well what if a cart was made with a loadable disk with all the content? The cart could have onboard ram so we would not have load times and any games would just require a disk then. you could update the cart part your self or either just let it update by way of the the network.

Solid state disk are coming out on the PC side of things yet so far nintendo is using the fastest Sram in existence for the cpu-gpu combo.

I haven't kept up on the progress of such things yet I think we will get back to cart gaming in some form. 64 gigs seems pretty do-able though yet I think it would need some tweaking. You would be pissed if your game got wiped out because of magnets.

The one thing that would be great is if we could make a disk the size of a quarter with the space of 64 gigs. that way you could have it all and still have room for on board ram to speed up data delivery.
i think there should be a video consle
made from apple ;]
that is sorta like the wii but with a camara and
you could move your fingers in diffrent ways like just pretend your
holding a basball bat etc
but if you get tired you could just put ur hands like if you
were grabing a controller and play like that to
i would so buy that ;]
and no loading times
they wont have disks or chips they would be played
in the usb things that you connect to your pc
so you could get in the game on your pc as well or on your ipod 2 =]
261311 said:
How would that fold? :lol:
The top and middle screens would be half he width of the normal DS screen. The top one would fold down onto the middle and then they would both fold normally.

Or you could use the old "If it doesn't fit, use a bigger hammer" method :lol:
d_k said:
made from apple ;]

If Apple made a console (well they did make one many years ago, but that was a flop), it would have only two buttons to control everything, you wouldn't be given so much as a vague hint about how to use anything on it, and it would request you update it every five minutes (with iTunes and Quicktime automatically bundled in as well, whether you want them or not).
i want a ps3 1/2

it will be the same just all the games 360 has and ps3 and well... its huge becuse if the ps3 had every game 360 has plus the ones it has theres would be no point into buying a 360 inless theres was something people didint like about it (like size)

it comes in black

and ghost white


sorry only windows paint
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WiitnessID said:
Cool post yet the Please don't tell me its possible/it isn't possible makes no sense.

About the quote, i didn't want people to get into a debate about how feasible the propositions were.

Maybe also in the future with the rise of Broadband/cable, maybe we won't have to buy game we just pay like yearly subscriptions or something and we're allowed access to like a maximum of ten games then the next year those game are stored and you renew your next subscription, and you can also renew however often you like. Makes it easier quicker, for both the end consumer AND they'll probably cheaper for game designer rather then making cd's and cases and other over heads, what do you think?

I'm sure Internet access is only gonna get easier and quicker surely, because if it doesn't then this won't work, what do you think?

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