What is the true definiton of Hardcore


The one and only
Jan 25, 2009
Reading, UK
Wii Online Code
Now day on the Wii many people have been screaming out for hardcore titles. Then Sega came in recently with House of the Dead Overkill and it got me thinking. Sega marketed this game as the hardcore you've been waiting for. With so much vilonce and gore it defiantly is an adult title but....... Its a light gun game. Many people believe hardcore games to be ones of lots of vilonce and swearing yet is that truly what hardcore means.
I always thought a hardcore game was one that had solid game mechanics, solid multi player and large amounts of collectable items or customisable stats. Another content for people to really get stuck in game and not some light gun game.
Don't get me wrong i like House of the dead overkill but I don't see it as a hardcore game.
So that's my oppinon what's yours? I curios to know what other people think on the matter.
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Hardcore doesn't mean blood guts and gore. It means (imo) a game that has a high skill level, a lot of objectives that can keep you playing for hours on end, and that has an great story that's not modeled after a disney movie. xD

There's not many of them on the wii...

A hardcore gamer is someone who loves games/a game. Getting into the game with the lore, gameplay, skills and time. Hardcore games are games that allow a gamer to submerge themselves into it. Though, technically 'any' game can be a hardcore game if someone is dedicated to it, generally hardcore games are the ones that encourage it.
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Now that's what i believe but i find that a lot off new games on the wii are saying that they are hardcore games when most of them now seem to involve mass amounts of dead bodies and that's about it.
there are no hardcore games, only hardcore gamers.

it all depends on how you immerse yourself into a game of your liking.

A hardcore gamer is someone who loves games/a game. Getting into the game with the lore, gameplay, skills and time. Hardcore games are games that allow a gamer to submerge themselves into it. Though, technically 'any' game can be a hardcore game if someone is dedicated to it, generally hardcore games are the ones that encourage it.

This is the most perfect definition of "Hardcore" it doesn't matter how much blood or guts is in your game, all that matters is that it can easily engulf a gamer into hours of playtime. Some games are just bloody for no reason and I don't consider those titles to be hardore. That being said I do believe HOTD Overkill is a Hardcore title.
I don't judge games as "Hardcore" or "Softcore", kinda seems weird.

If there is a Wii game that has many features, solid online, good gameplay, etc, the developers did their job and delivered a solid game.

If there's some game like Imagine Babyz in your Wii collection, and you don't enjoy it at all, that shows the developers put little to no effort in the game whatsoever to make it somewhat appealing.

My thoughts on that.
The term 'hardcore' to me is silly, and I don't tend to use it with games. I'd say core gamers or non-gamers that sort of deal.

That being said 'core' games can be anything, new games in a series, long games..basically something you can immerse yourself into and something you tend to come back to. What Sovieto said was spot on really. Core games tend to attract certain crowds, people who love games, have played games and don't have problems with difficulty.

Then with non-gamers it'd be the complete opposite, as they would be new to gaming etc. and the games would suit that.
What happened to my post? Whatever. Please support Project Save Sega :D

And hardcore means not a casual game. A game with an actual story and can hold your attention longer than 30 minutes.
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And hardcore means not a casual game. A game with an actual story and can hold your attention longer than 30 minutes.

Well that takes it back to the opinionated stage. Because someone (like myself) will play Wii Fit for 30 minutes and then get bored and stop. However someonelse will play it religiously everyday.

Urgh I hate this hardcore noise

How do they get off on making so called music thats just the same thing over and over

Like most hardcore waste its best put in a skip
A hardcore gamer is someone who loves games/a game. Getting into the game with the lore, gameplay, skills and time. Hardcore games are games that allow a gamer to submerge themselves into it. Though, technically 'any' game can be a hardcore game if someone is dedicated to it, generally hardcore games are the ones that encourage it.

Best definition by far. :thumbsup:

A hardcore gamer is someone who loves games/a game. Getting into the game with the lore, gameplay, skills and time. Hardcore games are games that allow a gamer to submerge themselves into it. Though, technically 'any' game can be a hardcore game if someone is dedicated to it, generally hardcore games are the ones that encourage it.

I agree with this. I am a person who usually sticks to Nintendo and their products. I don't have a 360, nor a PS3, and I don't really care for them all that much. But when I buy and play a game, usually a Nintendo first party or well known third party title, I will play it to the point where I am a master of the game. It doesn't make people like me any less hardcore than the people who prefer Xbox and play games such as GTA and Halo. The game part is a matter of preference, the hardcore part comes from how much you play a certain game/games.

A hardcore gamer is someone who loves games/a game. Getting into the game with the lore, gameplay, skills and time. Hardcore games are games that allow a gamer to submerge themselves into it. Though, technically 'any' game can be a hardcore game if someone is dedicated to it, generally hardcore games are the ones that encourage it.

Very accurate, IMHO. I remember way (way) back in the early 1980s when people would call anyone who lived at the arcades 'hardcore.' I mean, if someone was glued to a pinball table, or even Q-Bert, for hours and hours, they were considered hardcore...

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