What do you guys think of this

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  • #18
its not just a tv strapped to your head if you were reading posts and listening to the vids it enhances picture quality while putting it in 3D. meaning instead of me just looking straight like i would into a tv objects will appear as if I'm in the game. If it was just a tv to your head it would seriously cause seizures
lol, imagine walking around public using this swing a wii remote around while you play wii tennis, but how does that thing work? i dont get it...
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  • #22
they have a battery that you can buy with it that i guess lets you walk around the house. If i heard correctly i think that you hook your system up to this box and it streams it or uses some kind of wirless connection to send it to the head set. i don't know i just wish this wasn't something that you could only get on the internet. Wait you know what sharper image is good about getting new stuff like this in, im gonna have to go down there and see if they might have it.

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