What do I need??


WiiChat Member
Nov 6, 2006
I have preordered a system for my young kids, and need some help to figure out what else to get, especially in terms of extra controllers, etc. Are there multi-player games that will require the Wii remote but not the Wii nunchuk?

I am looking at Zelda, Madden, Super Monkey Ball, and Excite Truck. We like to hook up as many players as possible at once, so I'm trying to figure out how many of each controller/nunchuk I need to order, given the games I'm looking at.

Thanks much!
next time mate use wii basics but heres what you need retro controller for old games need to use this wii the wiimote u will probally need a wiimote and a numchuk per child and umm it make sure what have player wise dont want to get 4 wiimotes and numchuks when its a 1 player lol
Zelda requires a nunchuck but is 1 player so no need

madden requires the nunchuck. If you want to play multiplayer, you need up to 4

Excite truck doesn't require the nunchuck

Monkey ball: not sure
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Thanks Coldshiver. I did look on the wii basics section, but wanted to clarify with the experts. I guess the newness of the system (which is why many are so excited to get it) has left me confused as to which games use the nunchuck vs. the wii remote. I get the difference between the classic and new remotes, but throwing in the nunchuk - I'm lost!!

I know I can wait until the 19th and ask for "real life" experience, but I wanted to get a jump start. Does anyone anticipate problems getting controllers, or is the system the problem?

VC GAMES: You will need gamecube and classic controllers if you wish to download classic games via the virtual console (purchase retro games online)

GC GAMES: You will need gamecube controllers to play gamecube games

WII GAMES: You will need the wii-mote for some games, wii-mote and nunchuck for some games, and gamecube controllers for games like super smash brothers (I don't think many games only play with GC controllers though)

Here's a list of the games (all games with some info on them, not all are launch titles though... read the release dates)
If they say the game goes up to x amount of players then you obviously need x amount of controllers to get the most amount of people on it.

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