What do I need for basic multiplayer?


WiiChat Member
Oct 30, 2009
Hey everyone, I just bought my girlfriend a Wii for Christmas (it came with the 'Motion Plus' addon, Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort) and I'll be picking up Wii Fit Plus as soon as I can. I know she'll like the Wii Fit Plus, but I'd also like to be able to play some other fun multiplayer games with her, and I'm just wondering what I'll need to buy?

I guess at the very least I'll need another remote, but do I have to get another Nunchuck and 'Motion Plus' addon? Also, how does the multiplayer in Wii Sports work... can you take turns with the one remote, can you play splitscreen at the same time with two remotes or are both options?

Thanks for any help, It's much appreciated! :smile:
For all games

For Some newer ones
The above and a motion plus for each one

For Wii fit
Balance boards for each player
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For Wii fit
Balance boards for each player
Really? From all the searching I've done on Wii Fit I got the impression that it used a turn based multiplayer system, and that it's only possible to use one balance board with a Wii at any one time...? :confused5:
There are some things on it that are more than one at once
But there are other games that use it (Punchout is one)

I should point out that the Wii only supports up to four players

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