What are you going to do on Wii day?


WiiChat Member
Jul 3, 2006
What are you going to do on Wii Day? (Not the launch date but the date you get the Wii)
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It really depends on whether it's released on a week day or not. It's funny, the last time I bought something the day it came out, the PSP, I was the first person there for about an hour. Sold that piece of Sony s#$% last year. I also was first at my local Circuit City to buy the original DS (which I returned the same day because it didn't have any good games coming out for quite some time and it was so uncomfortable to hold; can't wait to get a DS lite, though)

Once I get it, I'll be smiling like a fool:D Then I'll take out the Wiimote and Nunchuk and simply hold them...and smile some more...make some samuri slashes in the air....then more smiling....followed by more smiling:) :) :)
I'll play with my bro like an hour in Wii Sports and then play Red Steel Or LoZ all day
i will go home open the box and look at the wii, i will kiss it and read the manual. then i will look at all the things in the bow for 15 minuttes. when it's finished up and online i will be up all night with a friend of mine Sebastian testing all the games i bought 4 it :) can't wait
I'm going to get it all set up and play it, because I want to feel for myself how those contollers work, oh Zelda, I will play it a lot - and some other stuff too.
sit up all day playing it
(i work nights)
I will probably tear the box open, and just sort of get everything in a position that looks perfect. Then I will stare at it for awhile. I will set it up and play the tutorial on the controls for a bit, then talk to no one while I play for a day and a half.
I'm not going to look at the manual or nothin', I'm gonna slap that plug in and start playing ASAP. Zelda....Corruption....there so beautiful (the girls and the games i mean:D)
:lol: u guys r nuts u know?:lol: when i get my Wii im just gonna carfully open the box and take my Wii out. im gonna hold the WiiMote and then plug the nunchuk in. im just gonna spend the rest of the day playing whatever 2 games i choose 2 buy!:D
Hey all,
First thing im going to do is take it home, go to the bathroom and play with my wii until i am fully satisfied and worn out from the wii-nking and then go to bed. Next day wake up and do some more wii-nking in the locked room, fantasising about women on the wii, and then buying some 'Rubbish Rated' mags at the local newspaper shop :D :D

lol im kiddin mate! Honestly I'd test it first for its gaming quality and accessibility. Then if it passes the first test ill buy the wii and then decide on a game. Once a game is chosen i'll take it home and play with it for about 2hrs or more depending on how good the game is.
linkzeldagame said:
Hey all,
First thing im going to do is take it home, go to the bathroom and play with my wii until i am fully satisfied and worn out from the wii-nking and then go to bed. Next day wake up and do some more wii-nking in the locked room, fantasising about women on the wii, and then buying some 'Rubbish Rated' mags at the local newspaper shop :D :D

lol im kiddin mate! Honestly I'd test it first for its gaming quality and accessibility. Then if it passes the first test ill buy the wii and then decide on a game. Once a game is chosen i'll take it home and play with it for about 2hrs or more depending on how good the game is.

Wow, thats...disturbing...and im sure none of us want to know what you do with your life ever again. I'll probably open the box, hook it up, and start playing TP or Wii Sports with my dad. Who cares about savoring the moment, I want to play now!
welll duh what do you think I'm gonna do, go out and buy a PS3 (and for those who didn't pick up on it I was being sarcastic. Of course I''l play the Wii)
deity_link said:
welll duh what do you think I'm gonna do, go out and buy a PS3 (and for those who didn't pick up on it I was being sarcastic. Of course I''l play the Wii)

but how are you going to accomplish this wonderful feat?
after i buy it, and eventually bring it home, im going to carefully open the box, enjoying the fresh console feeling, then plug it in, and play my friends in wii sports, (pending its online).

then the night is the LOZ:TP time!!!