What apple compatible wireless router do you recommend for the wii?


WiiChat Member
Feb 22, 2009
I was about to buy the airport extreme, but it uses 802.11N and Nintendo said that those routers aren't always compatible. What do you recommend for macs and the wii?
Basically any router that has 802.11b or 802.11g should work with the Wii. These are standards that nearly every wifi-enabled device follows. The Airport Extreme does support these and should work fine with the Wii. But, know that you don't have to buy an Airport Extreme to have it work with your Mac and the Wii.
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Basically any router that has 802.11b or 802.11g should work with the Wii. These are standards that nearly every wifi-enabled device follows. The Airport Extreme does support these and should work fine with the Wii. But, know that you don't have to buy an Airport Extreme to have it work with your Mac and the Wii.

Yeah, I was mistaken. I could only find 802.11N airport extremes on eBay, so I thought that's all there was. A lot of the routers I've been finding say they work with macs, but the setup software is only for windows. Is that a situation where macs just speak the router's language, and I don't need setup software?
Yeah, I was mistaken. I could only find 802.11N airport extremes on eBay, so I thought that's all there was. A lot of the routers I've been finding say they work with macs, but the setup software is only for windows. Is that a situation where macs just speak the router's language, and I don't need setup software?

Although it says it's an 802.11n router, it is more than likely backwards compatible with b and g. In the case of the Airport Extreme, this is true.

You shouldn't need any special software on the Mac to connect to a standard (802.11b/g/n) wireless network as long as your Mac has an Airport card.

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