WEP Wii Internet Connection problem!


WiiChat Member
Nov 30, 2010
Hey fellow Wii Users!

I am having a problem getting our Wii connect to the internet. I follow all the steps, and enter in my WEP key. The error comes up as 52030, which says that I have my WEP wrong....which it isn't!

Any idea what the heck is going on?! We are still trying to get ahold of someone from Nintendo...to talk to a human being...

Thanks for any help!

Maybe you had all wrong from the beginnig, doublecheck the WEP in your computer settings is all that comes to my mind.
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Actually I finally got a human on the other line to talk to. My WEP key was correct and everything!! We just had to login to a different place on my computer and used my WEP 64-key instead. But it's all worked out. ^_^
I´m glad you solved that issue, now go and explote all the Wii Internet capabilties to your heart content

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