Well Hello there WiiChat Community!


WiiChat Member
Jun 9, 2009
Hello everyone, I'm just a long time nintendo fan that has come looking for a little interaction with those who feel the same love for a good video game. I plan to help, and be helped out in the future. I'm open to new ideas and experiences.

Nintendo Systems I Own:
NES,SNES,N64,Gamecube,Wii, DS Lite,Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance (and Sp)
(so pretty much everything...still looking for that elusive species known as "virtual boy")

Thanks Admins for such a nice sight :thumbsup:
(owned CK, owned)

Gah! Right after I logged off, too. :p


Welcome to Wiichat, Rebel! Hope you enjoy the forums. :) That's a nice collection of nintendo consoles, there. However, do you have a Color Gameboy (a regular gameboy with a colored casing; not a Gameboy Color) and the original, fat Gameboy (if you have pocket, and vice versa)? Yes, I know what I'm saying is rather pointless. :lol:

I wish you good luck finding that Virtual Boy. :thumbsup: A console that old is rare alone; but when it sadly failed as bad as the Virtual Boy, it's one elusive treasure.

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