Well geez Hooters sucks


Strikers Champ
Aug 9, 2007
Tampa Bay, Florida
Wii Online Code
Alright so I go there with 2 friends..
I ordered a dinner, wings and soda..
Both of my friends just ask for water
One of my friends doesn't order anything, so I tell the waitress I'm gonna split some of my wings with him..
My other friend just orders wings..

So apparently because our table was 'cheap' overall - this strange old business man who probably worked there or knows the people really well, comes and sits down across from us and doesn't do anything but watch us..
He's apparently an undercover stalker, who was sent to punish us from Hooter's management..
They wanted to make us feel uncomfortable because we didn't order the most expensive **** on the menu..

So the checks eventually come, I pay my tab..
but my friend wanted to pay awkwardly..
He had this prepaid discover card thing, some dollar bills and a bunch of change..
He wanted to pay in a 'hybrid' fashion..
Thing is, he didn't plan on giving a tip so he tried to give her exact change..
Which is even worse considering my Other friend wasn't buying anything
( well jesus christ utoh, run for your life - quickly )

After he tried explaining what the card was to her, he tried handing her the change but she just starred straight ahead and let the change hit the floor.. She stormed away apparently in retarded 'disgust', so he picked up all the change that she let fall on the ground

She comes back even more furious and says they 'don't take discover' - which was retarded, since she let the additional change hit the ground, there wouldn't of been enough on his prepaid card anyway..
She leaves him with no choice but to start panicking..
She never gave me a chance to tell her I could of took care of the whole thing right then..
..and dodged the entire mess she made all together.. Wow..
She stormed away again, but eventually came back and said she'd just "take care of it" so we could forget about it..

So we walk out like she told us to, but then this clueless poser who was all dressed up and tricked into believing he was some sort manager figure, came flying out and told us "we" owed more on our tab. Doing something I probably shouldn't of done, I volunteer to go in myself and take the heat, pay the difference while my friends stood there and watched..

We were immediately surrounded by retarded, 'angry' workers..
My friend was short by $2, because of the way she handled the situation..
Our waitress refused to look at, or talk to me while she took my $20 and broke the change for my friends tab..
She started lying about stuff and denied different things..
Truthfully she just got silent, because now everyone was watching..
She wouldn't admit she told us to leave
She wouldn't come out and say "I threw a fit because he didn't tip"
Even tho what he did was perfectly acceptable..
Considering it was none of her business what his financial situation was..
She starts yelling at Me - asking why would we go out to eat if we didn't have enough money..
She's putting on a show for the crowd at this point naturally..
I'm rolling my eyes and I'm like dude.. I paid my tab and he didn't know you guys wouldn't take his card.. I also tried reminding her that we've been served by her Many times in the past, and she denied ever seeing us before..

She was fake, and completely full of sh*t because she put herself on the spot in front of everyone - She had to maintain a vulgar attitude, with a new bullsh*t personality since all her back-up / co-workers were watching..
Hilarious how different she was before my friend was forced to give her exact change without a tip ;)

So they're attempt to humiliate and disrespect us up to that point was over..
We headed out to my car and stood there to try and analyze wtf just happened..

That old creep guy who was sent over to 'monitor' us inside while we were eating pulls up in a SUV, blocks my vehicle that were about to get into.. and starts saying typical coward lines given the unfair situation..
This was the absolute hilarious part:
'You guys won't becoming around here anymore because you're a bunch of cheap f****s'
'You don't wanna f*** with me'
'There's cameras everywhere'

Of course that nobody had my car blocked in the whole time he's talking
Way to go you old creeply wuss, you got my car blocked and law enforcement one phone call away
..Wow because that's tough of you, you retarded moron

Just unbelievable stuff here - We think part of the reason the waitress was the way she was, was because that old guy ran over to her and talked to her.. It's weird, because he was like ordered to stalk us after they found out we didn't order a whole lot of food or something.. idk.. he was just a retarded, creepy seriously messed up out-of-line SoB..
Although we think he was important to the franchise some how..
Which could of gave probable cause to do something about it legally

It ended with me being forced into another vocal leader position, vulgarly telling that stalker creep to move so we could get in, back out and leave.

We analyzed the whole thing for hours after words..
I took all that heat, plus it was my car that was exposed
I just stepped up a bit too much for my friend, and completely got clobbered in the situation..

The only thing I could of done differently, was I should had handed my friend the $20 and asked him to bring change back when that 'manager' look-alike came out looking for more money from him..
That way my friend could had gone inside by himself, take the heat for his apparent 'mistake'.. and then we would of sped away when he came back out..

That old stalker creep guy wouldn't of had enough time to approach us in the parking lot..
Who ever that nobody was.
I have no idea who that creep thought he was, why he was stalking us inside and why he left right after we did..
Thanks pal, you ********

The situation was just so perfectly messed up - to have all those things fall into place and screw us over so well..
The waitress unbelievably disrespected my friend, and went whining to a crowd of workers like the panzy of the century..
and then I battled the bandwagon that followed her..

Completely unexpected.. but believable
Hooter girl runs behind the scene and cries wolf, the entire building shakes and tries to destroy us on behalf of the all mighty whiner in distress..

My friends wanted to contact an attorney but that may of been a bit extreme lmfao
That sucks dude. I've had someone pull up behind me so I couldn't go anywhere aswell. My neighbor as a matter of fact. At my own house! Can you believe that? Anyway, I handled it a bit differently than you though. I pulled him out of his car and we fought till his wife called the police. Then my uncle pulled up, scolded me and gave my neighbor a fine for disrupting the peace :lol:
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That sucks dude. I've had someone pull up behind me so I couldn't go anywhere aswell. My neighbor as a matter of fact. At my own house! Can you believe that? Anyway, I handled it a bit differently than you though. I pulled him out of his car and we fought till his wife called the police. Then my uncle pulled up, scolded me and gave my neighbor a fine for disrupting the peace :lol:

lol nice.. Well what worried me was the guy mentioned cameras, and then I realized my license plate was pointing right at the building..
Like I said everything had to fall perfectly in place against us for all of that to happen - because had we parked in the strip mall parking lot next door ( backed in with my plates facing a bush just in case ) we would of been So different..

We completely picked the situation apart, sorting out how we could of handled each scenario differently.. Horrible thing is, something like that will -never- happen again.. So we'll never have a 'second chance' to feel better and redeem ourselves, or the opportunity to walk away from a situation like that a bit more 'victorious'
That's messed up. I'll make sure I never go there.

I can't believe they had someone just sit there and watch you, and talked **** you you when you left. I would have just hit his car when he blocked mine.
its quite a hilarious story, but ya that sucks in the end. Wow just for a little tip. Like if you didn't have enough money (2$) its better not to pay anything because it just would look bad. Spaz waitress. Anyway looks like ur in the right here.
tl;dr but it sounds like you got a slow waitress. Hooters hires for looks, not brains. xD

I would've told that idiot to move his damn car or I'd bust a window. when he doesn't move, bust a window.
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tl;dr but it sounds like you got a slow waitress. Hooters hires for looks, not brains. xD

I would've told that idiot to move his damn car or I'd bust a window. when he doesn't move, bust a window.

haha XD
Well, I was concerned about my plate - and regardless of our reaction towards him, we would had been stuck there anyway since we were blocked..
I knew the entire time everything was unfolding, that the cops would of came and sided with the business..
The creep dude pulled off a good persona, because he got us thinking about who he could of been - since he had a lot of authority inside, but never came out and told us who exactly he was..

It didn't help matters that it was truthfully the 2 guys I was with that screwed us all up ( one not buying anything, the other getting something cheap without tipping ).. They we're both -Silent- through the entire thing.. Petrified..

I felt like it was 1 on 100..

I posted a blog on my Myspace for other opinions, and a lot of people said I probably shouldn't go dine with those 2 in the future.. I mean they're my best friends, but I definitely had to stand up and deal with the whole thing when it wasn't my fault.. It was the retarded waitress.. Seriously what she put us through was unbelievable..
and it was so avoidable if she had 1 professional / intelligent bone in her body.

Going to the Fleamarket ( lmao ) with them this morning was a lot more productive..
..and it really made up for the night before

I got a Gamecube, 2 first party GC memory cards and the LoZ: Wind Waker
(I don't think the dude realized it was in there, and how much it was all worth).. for 5 bucks.. I don't want the system because I have a Wii so we're gonna sell that, but for 5 bucks I got 2 memory cards Gamestop would sell for $25 a piece - and a game they would of sold for $18..
I couldn't really utilize the Wii's backwards compatibility before without a memory card..
Plus I got my top priority game..
Now all I need is a controller XD
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Yeah, you're probably right about the cops siding with the business. :/

On the subject of fleamarket finds, I was at a flea market in North Carolina, and I found an exact replica of Sting (from Lord of the Rings) along with the sheath for $10. There are some people who'd pay a lot for that kind of thing. ($100 easily):D
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Yeah, you're probably right about the cops siding with the business. :/

On the subject of fleamarket finds, I was at a flea market in North Carolina, and I found an exact replica of Sting (from Lord of the Rings) along with the sheath for $10. There are some people who'd pay a lot for that kind of thing. ($100 easily):D

Definitely.. ha really nice :D
standing up alongside your friend is the right thing to do in this situation. think if you were the one short, would you want your 'friends' to not bail you out?.

sounds like the lady was a tool. tips are a BONUS!
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standing up alongside your friend is the right thing to do in this situation. think if you were the one short, would you want your 'friends' to not bail you out?.

sounds like the lady was a tool. tips are a BONUS!

Exactly bro.. I wanted to have his back, absolutely all the way 110% and that's exactly what I did.. Now however, I think I dealt with just a -little- too much considering they didn't back me up once and I kept getting hammered.
Wusses or not, they're definitely my bros.

The girl was such an evil, disrespectful ditz dude.. I mean she was so unbelievably screwed up.. It was like, she made -herself- over the top nervous, because of the situation that -she- created. So she was scared, and the more scared she got - the more pissed the "starrers" or workers standing around us got.. so they seemed to get closer and closer to me with they're dumb ass mad bandwagon faces.. I had to stand right there because of the transaction - and I was literally right next to her because I had my wallet out and the counter was facing the door..
She made such an uncomfortable mess for not only me, but her god damn self.

What a stupid ass bimbo - and like I said the more intensely nervous she got, the more people got pissed off at us 3
standing up alongside your friend is the right thing to do in this situation. think if you were the one short, would you want your 'friends' to not bail you out?.

sounds like the lady was a tool. tips are a BONUS!

I was going to stay out of this, but I have to respond. Tips are not a bonus, they are a part of their salary. Waitresses. in most cases, make less than minimum wage and depend on tips as a part of their pay. The only time a tip shouldn't be left is if the service wasn't up to par. Also, many places will not allow you to share your food with another when that person is not ordering. If you only have $2, McDonalds would have been a better choice. That said, the reaction of the restaurant was way over the top, and it should have not escalated to that point. It's not good business to treat customers the way you were treated.
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I was going to stay out of this, but I have to respond. Tips are not a bonus, they are a part of their salary. Waitresses. in most cases, make less than minimum wage and depend on tips as a part of their pay. The only time a tip shouldn't be left is if the service wasn't up to par. Also, many places will not allow you to share your food with another when that person is not ordering. If you only have $2, McDonalds would have been a better choice.

Absolutely man - and I will absolutely not be dining with those 2 again, without definite assurance that they're not going to put us in a similar situation..

Well he started off with 5 - this is what he tells me in the car anyway..
But I only found out at the climax, that part of what he was gonna pay with, was a $5 prepaid card he pulled out of a damn Cereal box - that had like $2.79 left on it.. He had 2 singles, and a bunch of change.
What he ordered was $4.79 + Tax.. He would of only had exact change if everything went perfectly - I.E. if they even accepted that type of thing..

He messed us up bad, and he actually showed the least amount of emotion.
He's kind of lanky and he gets scared easily. After the entire incident that night, my other friend ( the one who didn't get absolutely anything ) and I we're the only one's trying to talk it over.. While they guy who really messed us up ( by ordering something he shouldn't have ) was busying texting the story to everyone he could.. We think he thought it was funny, especially after I went in, took all that heat and paid the difference.

That said, the reaction of the restaurant was way over the top, and it should have not escalated to that point. It's not good business to treat customers the way you were treated.

I definitely agree. We thought about asking the authorities or a legal team.
I was going to stay out of this, but I have to respond. Tips are not a bonus, they are a part of their salary. Waitresses. in most cases, make less than minimum wage and depend on tips as a part of their pay. The only time a tip shouldn't be left is if the service wasn't up to par.

thanks for supporting my statement.

also, its the NA mindset that has caused bonises to be accepted as standard, instead of a BONUS

He messed us up bad, and he actually showed the least amount of emotion.
people do that when heavily embarrassed.
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its the NA mindset that has caused bonises to be accepted as standard, instead of a BONUS

Damn it exactly.. Did she really deserve any kind of bonus, once her true colors came out?
You don't think I regretted giving her 20%?
She didn't deserve **** dude..

Did I mention that we actually started off with an entirely different waitress?
The one that eventually became our nightmare - was outside SLACKING off, so someone else had to come over to us real quick.. and that person, was soooo much more intelligent and nicer..

Here's the thing ok - my friends messed up.. but I had an additional $20 right there ready to go when the **** hit the fan for my friend..
I could of solved the whole damn thing, at the table, if I had one opportunity before she started acting unprofessional and through a fit.

EDIT: It should really be a bonus.. Honestly if they're getting hired based on looks and not skill, that's not our fault - AND it doesn't give her the right to do what she did.. Absolutely not.
Someone like that doesn't get any kind of bonus
You wanna act like that but expect extra? Are you kidding me? Go work some else.. and if you can't
Don't give three costumers the shittiest night ever.. That's unethical trash.
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