Weird glitch in Bowser Star Reactor?


WiiChat Member
Jul 16, 2007
Hey, everyone! I'm new here!

The weirdest thing just happened to me while fighting Bowser in the Star Reactor. Right before I needed to hit him the third time, I somehow kicked him off the planet altogether. He just went flying into the black hole and never returned!! The camera angles were all messed up and I was left running around the planet not knowing what to do. I eventually had to just reset and start all over again.

Has anyone else encountered this glitch?? Also, are there any other glitches like this in the game? It was really frustrating, but funny at the same time!!
Yeah I've seen this glitch. It's on Youtube, You just have to re-set the system


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sarasota said:
Holy hell *LOL* I dunno, I never saw/heard of this, and it didn't happen while I was playing....crazy!

Hahah yeah, it was really weird. A similar thing happened to me tonight when I was playing the ghost galaxy (I forget the name right now) -- Mario went completely off camera and there was no way to get him back! Crazy stuff!
No, I havn't I think if he died that way it would be alot easier bacause the last round wow, is that hard!!

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