water temple boss key


WiiChat Member
Jan 21, 2007
I need help in he water temple in the part when u get the boss key. I went in the room but i can not reach the little island that has the chest in it how do i get up there?
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no i need help getting the key i can get to the boss but the key is hard I see this door but i cant get to it in the key room
I'd help, but that was long ago and I can't exactly remember. Try looking for a guide or something.
You need to approach the boss key from the room above it. There's a flooded room with lots of walls that you have to bomb your way through which will bring you to a room with a hole you can drop down to to get the key.
If you are having trouble dropping through the hole,
You will need to lower yourself down with the clawshot.
This one was tough

This one was a PITA for me too.:mad5: I almost quit playing the game over this. Come to find out I had been where I was supposed to several times. You are in sorta the right area if you can see the chest with the key in it. Look for a room (after you bomb a boulder out of the way under water) that has a unique looking floor tile. Stand on that tile, look and shoot straight up with the clawshot. It will open the tile you where standing on. Lower yourself down through the hole. Don't just drop, as the trap door will close. Good luck.
o_o I got this on the first try.. But that's only because I think the dropping down thingy with the clawshot is neat.

Another thing I like is falling from vines, then pressing A to grab hold. So neat! XD

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