watching movies free online on wii

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WiiChat Member
Apr 16, 2010
South Carolina
Wii Online Code
does anybody know ANY sites 2 watch full episodes or movies. i was watching simpsons episodes on my wii on some weird site, it was n a diff language but they spoke n english. anyways, it just stoped playing thm 4 some reason.

i dont care if there crapy shows, if anybody knows any sites thn let me know please........
Last edited by a moderator: go pay 7.99 per month. also there is a netflix channel you can download for free and watch movies all you want....
using Wii with Netflix

1. We have a computer.
2. We have Netflix with ability to watch shows on our TV.
3. We have a Wii.

That is all we know!! :confused5:

When Netflix gives us online text instructions to hook it all together, it takes up several + screens, so we can't make head nor tails of it. Can anyone give me 1,2,3, etc on what we need and maybe how to do it? Or even what to know to answer someone about 'what we have" at Best Buy or Radio Shack when they ask us questions? Terminologies like ethernet, xxx-ready, etc are totally Greek to us. :(
[and :mad5: to those ppl who call us dumb, stupid, etc]
i think the discussion of "free movies" isnt allowed here or something..

onto netfix...
do you have your wii connected to the internet already? this is the biggest step. networking can be a pain in the butt.

if it ISNT connected, work on that.

if it IS connected:
make sure the wii is up to date (if you have your wii modified, do not do this. you will have a new paper weight)
once finished go into the "shop channel" and download and install netflix (hopefully you have enough space on your internal hard drive)

from the netflix website:
"Already have a Wii console?

Go to your Wii menu, download and install the Netflix application from within the Wii Shop Channel, and follow the on screen instructions to connect your Wii to your Netflix account. It's that simple."
as I mentioned..."When Netflix gives us online text instructions to hook it all together, it takes up several + screens, so we can't make head nor tails of it..."

No, it isn't connected to the internet......we know NOTHING about doing that. "....if it isn't, work on that." >> Once again, ppl in the know just can't fathom those of us who aren't :wink::wink: Thanks anyway :smile5:
how is your pc connected to the internet?

pc->wired router->modem
pc->wireless router->modem

if you do not have a router, you need to get one.
if you get a wired router, you need the wired usb adapter for the wii.
if you get a wireless router, you do not need the wired usb adapter.

I'll help walk you through this if I can. It's usually better that we take it 1 step at a time, that's why i'm asking all these questions.
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