wat should the usb ports be used 4?


Mar 21, 2007
New Jersey
Wii Online Code
i think a usb (duh) or a head set for wen wer play online games and do a voice communication.:yesnod:
will it ever be compatible with a jumpdrive? any1 think? or know?
ciper said:
Bullshit. Prove it.
lol a little game called Boogie, been confirmed
sorry i take that back, the Mic will be plugged into the wiimote not the USB
Ultimately the USB will be used for flashsticks when compatibility comes out, and maybe a HD though not likely
Well ****. That makes no sense.

Wonder if Nintendo will release a Wiimote connected mic in the future that isn't compatible?

edit: Fuk is it bad to wish death on others who continue to believe the Wiimote has an "audio encoder" built in? That damn CNN article is wrong and many sites use it as their source. It's really driving me nuts. I already tried to email the person who wrote the CNN story but received no response.
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ciper said:
Well ****. That makes no sense.
lol like singstar for the Wii, i though it was a lame rip off but hey