Wario Ware


Do a barrel roll.Do it!Do
Dec 2, 2006
I think this game will well ware out realy fast...no pun intended.I want to see any videos or hear any pros or cons on this game!:incazzato:
If you go on Youtube.com and search 'WarioWare' you will get lots of videos.

Anyways, I agree. Seems like this game would get boring fast. Then again, I've never played a Wario Ware game.
yeah the DS version never got old, and now that it is multiplayer it seems like itll last even longer (replay value)
im_a_super_smash_bro said:
I LOVE the ds version! It dosent get boring at all.

if Nintendo knows what its doing (and I think it does, for the most part), then it'll be like the other WarioWare games, where there are billions of minigames, so that as was quoted above, it does not get boring

I agree that some people may get tired of playing it over and over again if they have to stand up and do things (like the hoola hoop, squats, or running games), but as a multiplayer game alone, warioware should be what the industry calls "Kick ass"

-SpideyKonfusion :p
E7ernal said:
personally I think it should be kept to the portables, it's more suited to them

I have to disagree. Have you played Wii Sports with friends? It's awesome! the Wii is so much fun with other people, why not throw in a bunch of minigames? sounds good to me :D

-SpideyKonfusion ^.^"
I've played warioware for ds and the gamecube one,
It is on the best games i've ever played , it is the big example of gameplay vs graphics and it NEVER gets boring, especially with multiplayer, and with the wiimote it will only be better.
well, if it's online then i'll probably get it... I remember Bishi Bashi special on PS1... that was amazing :)
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I have two warioware games and I like the old one and the new ones ok so I know what I am talking about. Just saying!
wario ware is only fun when ur stuck on a train or car or plane w/e floats ur boat really wouldnt be a good game to play other wise unless u were drunk then it would be fun as hell
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I agree with King krab somewhat. They are not bad games its just that zelda and rayman would be so much better!

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