Wanted Upgrades or Updates on wii?


WiiChat Member
Aug 8, 2007
What do you want more of on the wii or what do you think they should upgrade oe update on the wii.
I think they should upgrade the Mii channel and add a variety of other activities you can do with your miis and i think they should create a wiichat channel where everyone chats to eachother.
That is true...The mii channel is well boring all you can do is make people...if they had some mini games in the mii channel it would be funner.
Usb hard drive support and mouse support (mouse support should be coming soon enough). This would pretty much make me ecstatic. And of course a demo channel for new games would be nice.
I would like to see them add an update that allowed direct saving of VC games to the SD card, as well as savegames, channels and such. Basically, better integration of the SD memory with standard memory, instead of the half-baked cumbersome backup thing it is now.

And since it's obviously possible to have the Wii play DVDs, that would be nice too.

And finally, there should be more use of the online connection. Right now it's mostly just used for news, weather, and firmware updates. Little else has much of a point.
Yeh demo channel for real !! And maybe some extra things for the mii's.

Why do you want a mouse? The pointer is the same thing as a mouse. I can work it on the same way as I do on my pc
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Yea demo channel is coming haven't u heard.. i want a mouse and keyboard for internet if i had that i would use the wii as my main source of internet cuz its connected to a 60 inch Hd lcd..i cnt wait for music channel to come out if there is 1...
I know its coming I just want it now :p
You can get a better/sharper resolution surfing the internet on a pc monitor. No matter what size. I always need to zoom in on my wii internet to read the websites and stuff.

Are you sure you want that? Or have I got something set up wrong?

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