Virtual Troubles !!!!!


WiiChat Member
Feb 5, 2008
Hey peoples!

I have downloaded the following games and cant seem to get them to play multiplayer.

Bomberman 93.
Bubble Bobble.
Super Mario Brothers.

It doesnt seem to pick up the second remote. Anyone any ideas?


makie sure both remotes r on? i dont no never had that problem wit mario
Have you synchronised your second remote to the Wii first?

1.Open the SD card flap on the Wii and remove the battery cover on the Wiimote.
2.Turn the Wii on, then at the 'Health and Safety' screen, press the red buttons you've found in instruction 1
3. Once synchronised, try playing the VC games again.

4. If this didn't work, tell us so we can offer other advice.
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Thank peoples.

I have tried the sync button but it still doensnt seem to pick it up. It picks it up when i play wii sports two player and sonic and mario olympics. Is there any specific screen it should pick up the second remote as at doesnt seem to pick it up on the main menu?

Do i have to press 1 and 2 on the remote to turn it on like in other games?

More help please!

If you are pressing 1+2 then your wiimote is not synchronised to your Wii.

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