Virtual download


WiiChat Member
Aug 29, 2009
Wii Online Code
Ok first up, appologies if this is the wrong thread. I am hoping someone can help me. My son has downloaded super mario bro and supermario bro 3 from the Wii shop, but they won't play on our TV. The game freezes and goes dim at the start up screen. Have tried re setting but that doesn't help.

Can anyone advise why this happens. He has downloaded mario kart and mario 64 and these play fine.
Did you ever get this figured out? It's a pretty odd problem.

I had the same problem trying to play BombJack on Virtual console untill i followed these intructions -

Initially, some PAL Virtual Console games would not display correctly on high-definition televisions when connected via the component lead. However, starting with the April 13, 2007 update of the PAL Virtual Console, certain newly added games, such as Punch-Out!!, support the "Wii Component Cable Interlace mode." This is a temporary fix to problems with various Virtual Console games being played over component cable on HDTVs. The mode can be enabled by accessing the operations guide of the game, and (with the Nunchuk attached) pressing the buttons Z + A + 2 simultaneously. A sound is played if the mode is enabled correctly. Several older games also have updates available to enable the feature, such as Super Castlevania IV. The mode can be disabled by using the same method, but with the button combination Z + A + 1 instead. A full list of games supporting this mode is available at,[67] an English version can be found at[68]

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