Virtual console online?


Nintendo 4life
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
7527 1826 6337 6464
does anyone know if the vc will have any kind of wi-fi multiplayer? i remember ign writing about nintendo planning to make updates to there VC games...but any news? any rumors?

maybe new VC games. but there arent any games for NES to N64 games that were online (that i know of)
there werent any nes or n64 games online. but they may be able to make them wifi combatiable with a little tweaking of the game. mind you they wont be able to make a game have more people that origonaly included in the game. for example you wont be able to play starfox 64 with 12 people. only four. But i know for sure that when they make original VC games (not from old systems) they will have the potential to be WiiFi
well...with the emulators u can play online or networks..i know cuz i done it, with snes and n64, ppl here had also played online with n64, so i hope they do, i can kick...all...your...arses

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