Video game music


WiiChat Member
Jul 8, 2006
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I thought I would bring some culture to this forum by having video game music posts. When I grow up, I want to be a sound/music designer for a video game company (sounds like a little kid). If you have any live action video clips you want to put, feel free. Here are two Zelda music videos:
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Or you could just use lime wire but other download company's are available
I'm wondering what kind of features the Wii orchestra will have. Will it be like a CD player that will allow you to speed up/slow down/emphasise specific bits with the controller, or will it be a stand alone game. It'd be great if some of the Final Fantasy music was there - Nobou Uematsu is working on Smash Bros Brawl, and has his own band (The Black Mages), for which he does rock versions of Final Fantasy music. If he owned the rights to the music himself, then maybe he would come on board for Wii Orchestra...?
...Ok, not specifically Nintendo, but good all the same: [MEDIA][/MEDIA]
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um...didnt have to be Nintendo, but it sorta needed to be on, for future referance, video game music please:D
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Here is more game music (not very "cultural" though):
[MEDIA][/MEDIA] said:
Internets, I am disappointed in you. It has taken until now for a farting hand version (with piano accompanyment and nipple grabbing) of the Super Mario Bros. theme song to be spread like Mono through a junior high school. This is about as stupid as they come, perhaps explaining the delay. Brian Ashcraft
Halo and Halo 2 music by a High School orchestra:

I liked the orchestra music much more than the "farting" hands.
Recognize it when you hear it: [MEDIA][/MEDIA]
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Anyone here recieve Nintendo Power? (That seems like a stupid and obvious question). If so, how many of you recieved the "Smashing...Live! Live Orchestra Music" CD? Whats your favorite song in the CD?
^ ^ Simply the best bit of Mario Theme Tune-age ever!

(How do u put it up as a video n not just a link?)
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You're welcome. This thread is not as involved as I wish it would be:tard:

Here is some really cool Mario music and live acting;)
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