VGA Box offering: Want to play Wii on your Monitor?


WiiChat Member
Nov 27, 2006
My first post got deleted a week back for "e-bay spam". Good for the mod deleting it, brownie points for him, bad for you guys, who may need what I'm flogging.

So whatever, I was in the same spot as a lot of you a few months ago, wanted to play my wii on a nice screen, only had a 19" monitor, what to do? Balls about forums asking for help, look around google, only to find crappy articles on how the revolution will support VGA! Or about how the japanese have something similar to VGA which if modded can be used as a VGA cable and other things you and I probably can't/don't want to do.

So, I finally found a high quality vga box after going through truck loads of crap ones, more specifically the logic3 one which was the all down low of crap vga boxes.

Here's the ace one I used to use until I got a HD tv for christmas.

Couldn't be bothered putting it on Ebay because well, I just couldn't be bothered, now it's on there, it's not going to make me a millionaire and it wont dent your pocket like a (metaphor here).

Ends in a day so I thought I'd remind those who are looking for decent ones.

By all means screw over your members by locking this post, god forbid I get back a little bit of the £50 I spent on this thing and it actually helping a member of this forum, lock this now!

Hope someone gets to it before some kind of nazi hides this information from you, they'll happily use 'advertisements' down the side of their website marketting bullshit no one cares about, wants, or needs, to make some money, they could argue it's to keep their site up but in all honesty hosting wiichat should cost nothing more than £5 a month.

Anyway I'm going to watch some house, this bloody text box doesn't read all the keys I'm hitting so enjoy the spelling mistakes etc you could even take a dig at me for it.



works again.
This is more of a rant + advertisement than anything else. If someone wants one they will google it or search it on ebay, no need for a random thread.

I wouldn't be surprised it this gets locked, again.

And if you could find a service provider that can run a site like this under £5 a month PLEASE tell me.
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Evi1d33d said:
This is more of a rant + advertisement than anything else. If someone wants one they will google it or search it on ebay, no need for a random thread.

I wouldn't be surprised it this gets locked, again.

And if you could find a service provider that can run a site like this under £5 a month PLEASE tell me.

Sure, please PM me though, I wouldn't want to fill this place up with advertisements.

Sure yeah, people SHOULD google things, or search ebay, but do they? Read this forum, all the other forums on this board. Hell, govisit WiiTalk, read theirs too, tell me if you notice questions that can be answered with a simple google. For your first task, search this forum for people asking for solutions to getting their wii on their monitor?

House was good.

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