VC Games On A Card?


WiiChat Member
Oct 20, 2006
One Thing Im wondering is can you place roms on a card and play them that way cos i own a snes with loads of games and i do have roms of the games i have for my snes but don`t want to pay for the games again. does anyone know?
This was answered in the Virtual Console forum.

The answer is no, due to the fact that rom isn't the format Nintendo intends to use for their Virtual Console titles.

For one, it's raw cartridge data, leaving games open to be copied from console to console. Second, they aren't compressed, meaning they'll require a decent amount of bandwidth to transfer and even more space to store.

A proprietary format that can compress SNES games down to half a meg just seems more practical for everyone.
teqguy said:
This was answered in the Virtual Console forum.

The answer is no, due to the fact that rom isn't the format Nintendo intends to use for their Virtual Console titles.

For one, it's raw cartridge data, leaving games open to be copied from console to console. Second, they aren't compressed, meaning they'll require a decent amount of bandwidth to transfer and even more space to store.

A proprietary format that can compress SNES games down to half a meg just seems more practical for everyone.

THank you!

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