using my saved data on friends wii


WiiChat Member
May 12, 2007
I have Tiger Woods 07 and so does my friend. We both just got the WII a few weeks ago. Anyway, I have created my character and built up my stats on my Wii. I saved it on my SD card to take to my friends house, and it will not let me use my saved data since he has one named the same. WTF? Can you not transfer saved data between wiis? That imagine this is a big issue, but could not find any answers searching the net. Anyone know how to do this? Can I change the folder id names and get it to work?

Ok. move his wii data onto his (or your) sd card. Delete his wii data. Move yours onto it. Play his wii. When you leave. overwrite YOUR data onto YOUR SD. Delete YOUR wii data, move his copy back.

you can have 2 of the same files on the SD methinks, but not on the wii.
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Yeah, but then he won't be able to play with his TW's profile. We want to both be able to play with our profiles that we have created. Mine is from my system, his is on his system.

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